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Shailesh is a natural metaphysician, contemporary and intuitive astrologer with expertise in both Western and Vedic traditions. He possesses the ability to creatively address and resolve your challenges, drawing upon healing arts to instill hope and comfort.
Grounded in the principles of truth, Vedanta, and Yogic Science, Shailesh's approach provides practical, step-by-step solutions that are easily applicable to your daily life.
His mission is to empower individuals to navigate their own paths through the synergies of Astrology, Yoga, Breath Work, and Body Work, fostering clarity and aligning personal purpose with divine intention.
Nikita Narvekar
I had a good meeting with Sir Shailesh Patel. We instantly became good friends. He gave me some awesome advice on managing my team and setting up business processes. It made me feel more confident about what I was doing. He's been super supportive in my personal life too. Whenever I've had problems, he's been there to help me out. Even now, I share all my experinces with him – the good and the bad. He's like my go-to person for advice and support. I highly recommend him for your business and professional guidance.
Dr. Sandhya Padayache
Shailesh has been my astrologer and guide for the past 10 years. During this time I have drawn on his vast expertise in astrology, life coaching, reiki, healing and manifesting. His input has been pivotal in directing the course of my career as a doctor, in pursuing a speciality in paediatrics and choosing to further specialise abroad. I was astounded by the outcomes after following his guidance and am unable to explain some of the miraculous outcomes! Using astrology, he has advised me on what situations best suit my life purpose, which dates and times are favourable to pursue my goals, and also when to be cautious and avoid making impulsive decisions. Shailesh helps clients through the fear of the unknown, help clients discover their potential, and always ready to support clients in making life decisions, using the holistic approach, his coaching skills; the results produced are triumphant, victorious and magical. To date, his advise has always been freakishly accurate! As an example: I was a junior doctor just after internship and needed to apply for a post for community service. I had my heart set on a post in Paediatrics at the Red Cross childrens Hospital, however there were only two positions available, and these were awarded to people with families and children based in Cape Town. There were no other posts available at the hospital and this meant that I would either have no job or have to take a position in a remote rural area in the country. I consulted with Shailesh when faced with this dilemma. After reviewing my astrological chart, he assured me that a career in paediatrics was in line with my life purpose. He assisted me with writing a motivational letter explaining that a career in paediatrics was my passion, he gave me instructions on visualisation practices and gave me a specific time to hand my application. To reiterate, I was applying for a position that had already been filed! To my astonishment, by some act of divine intervention, a post was created for me at the Red Cross Children's Hospital! I have since specialised as a paediatrician and am currently super-specialising as a paediatric intensivist, all of which was facilitated by Shailesh. I would highly recommend his services!
Mrs. Chandrika Bhagwan
Shailesh Patel is an excellent astrologer, a par excellent life coach and counselor, and an influential minimalist. His astrological explanations of why things are the way they are is reassuring and makes facing the situations easier. His precautionary warnings based on planetary movements and placements is very valuable. His guidance with regard to my son’s career choice was accurate, and today my son is a qualified neurologist. Shailesh was instrumental in my successfully selling my two homes that were in a notorious area. First, he coached me to prepare the homes for sale, e.g. To remove all personal photo frames and religious artefacts, he advised that the home must be neutral exhibiting no personal effects, next he advised to make the home completely clutter free, then he advised a professional photographer take high quality photos for the agent to market. He constantly kept in touch with me over the phone advising me step by step daily on what needs to be done, I really appreciated his telephonic and text support. Lastly, he gave my husband Dr Bhupendra Bhagwan (Neurologist) a remedy to implement on a daily basis. Not Longer than a month after an agent walked in with a prospective client who signed an offer to purchase after the very first viewing. Anyone facing any kind of dilemmas, problems, life challenges will certainly benefit from a consultation with Shailesh Patel. I was astounded by the outcomes after following his guidance and am unable to explain some of the miraculous outcomes! Using astrology, he has advised me on what situations best suit my life purpose, which dates and times are favourable to pursue my goals, and also when to be cautious and avoid making impulsive decisions. Shailesh helps clients through the fear of the unknown, help clients discover their potential, and always ready to support clients in making life decisions, using the holistic approach, his coaching skills; the results produced are triumphant, victorious and magical. To date, his advise has always been freakishly accurate! As an example: I was a junior doctor just after internship and needed to apply for a post for community service. I had my heart set on a post in Paediatrics at the Red Cross childrens Hospital, however there were only two positions available, and these were awarded to people with families and children based in Cape Town. There were no other posts available at the hospital and this meant that I would either have no job or have to take a position in a remote rural area in the country. I consulted with Shailesh when faced with this dilemma. After reviewing my astrological chart, he assured me that a career in paediatrics was in line with my life purpose. He assisted me with writing a motivational letter explaining that a career in paediatrics was my passion, he gave me instructions on visualisation practices and gave me a specific time to hand my application. To reiterate, I was applying for a position that had already been filed! To my astonishment, by some act of divine intervention, a post was created for me at the Red Cross Children's Hospital! I have since specialised as a paediatrician and am currently super-specialising as a paediatric intensivist, all of which was facilitated by Shailesh. I would highly recommend his services!
My Consultation Status In Numbers
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