Services Offer
What I Offer

Vedic Reading
The Vedic (Hindu) chart provides an analysis of the karmic path you have taken, and your soul's evolutionary progress on this path. It helps you understand what patterns are created by past lives, what needs to be learned and understood about your karma, what spiritual practises are required to help ease the results of this karma. Those who seriously work to pursue their true spiritual destiny and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve it will benefit from this chart. This reading is intensely informative, and about understanding and accepting the karmic challenges we are born with. With this reading spiritual remedies are recommended.

Career Counselling
This service is useful in indicating the natural talents and abilities, the types of working conditions which are best for you, the types of work most suited to you. It helps school-leavers identify good career choices and understand how their interests and talents could be used in the 'real world'. It also indicates what should be avoided, and for adult clients gives indications of any 'critical' career periods in life. Very useful for people dissatisfied with their work and contemplating a change. Guidance is offered in preparation for your new jobs, Interviews, Interview skills recommended, Grooming advise given and creating or re modelling of your Resume to achieve your career heights also Preparing you to apply and work overseas.
Free text support for 30 days is given to you at no charge to help you in the direction of your career.

Relationship Counselling
This chart reveals how you deal with relationships and what patterns you fall into. Specific relationship is analysed in detail, showing all areas where and how the partners co-operate or conflict. It provides useful guidelines as to how to make the relationship work as best as possible, and what to expect. Both partners should be present for the appointment and should preferably have had birth chart (personality) readings prior to this appointment.
I look at your relationships dynamics and give you a compatibility report. Pre marriage counselling is also offered to couples intending to marry.
Free text support for 30 days is given to those going through a serious marriage crises in their relationship, divorce or relationship break up

Health Counselling - Nutrition and Lifestyle Management
In this service I offer astrological health guidance, dietary guidelines on natural eating, lifestyle management skills to get the maximum productivity out of your day, how to overcome stress and depression, building health and emotional intelligence, healing negative emotions you have experienced. Helping your journey on weight loss, how to increase your energy levels, confidence, correcting bad eating habits.
Free text support for 30 days given to help you going in your new lifestyle, eating habits and dietary changes.