Book Your Appointment
Fill the form for the consultation or you can mail your details at shail3P@gmail.com
Office Consultation hours are Wednesday to Friday (11am to 4pm EST)
Office Consultation hours are Wednesday to Friday (11am to 4pm EST)
I can usually respond to your email request within 48 hours. You may also phone.
The Fee : Is required in advance, in US $, for the full amount of the type of session requested .To confirm an initial session, please pay via PayPal. I also accept credit cards.
Your Birth Data : I guarantee the accuracy of my calculations, based on the data you provide. Your exact birth information is crucial.
Time of Birth : Please make the effort to research your precise time of birth, as recorded on most birth certificates. (Mother’s memory, and even your own memory, of this important event may have faded. Other family documents, such as baby books, etc., may also provide your birth time. The more precise your birth time is, the more accurate my assessments will be.
Place : Please provide city, state and country; village, township, hamlet, district, province, island, or territory of birth. Day, month, and year, Please spell the month for clarity.
For the advance fee payment click the button below